The TTP Bridge Program provides funding to carry out the design, preconstruction activities and construction of bridges that are on the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory. The new Infrastructure Law set aside 165 million dollars per year for the next four years to fund the TTP Bridge Program. Information about the TTP Bridge Program can be found at If you have questions concerning the TTP Bridge Program, you may contact the FHWA Bridge Program Manager Russell Garcia at 703-404-6223 or
BRIDGE FUNDING NPRM – Comments due June 2
Below is the Federal Register where the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) is located. This proposed rule would update the existing Tribal Transportation Program Bridge Program. The comment period ends on June 2. In the current regulations, there is a 20% match requirement for bridges that are not BIA or Tribally owned. The match requirement would include county, state, and city owned bridges. Tribes may want to review the NPRM and comment on the 20% funding match requirement.